Posts tagged Pentecost
The Holy Spirit - 18 April 2021

Here are some ideas that you could do with your children at home, that link the children’s everyday experiences to the Bible. As you play or create, you can talk about what happened in the Easter story during the last supper.

You could watch this video of the story:


The Holy Spirit is with us too


Game - Pentecost Pass The Parcel

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I love this idea of how to explain the Holy Spirit being a gift and being for everyone not just the disciples all through a pass the parcel… follow this link for more details.


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Playdough fun! Use playdough to make fire and talk about how the Holy Spirit first came like fire. And how it can look different to different people… How do you sense the Holy Spirit? Like a whisper? Do you feel something- joy, peace, love, warmth, tingles, shakey? Does the Holy Spirit show you pictures or tell you kind things to say to other people?


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Make a fire craft… as you do, talk about how the Holy Spirit came like tongues of fire on the disciples.


The Holy Spirit was sent to us as a special helper for us. If you need help you can ask the Holy Spirit to help you.

The Holy Spirit can talk to us in lots of different ways. When you ask the Holy Spirit to talk to you, you might see it (a mental picture), you might hear it (audibly or in your mind), you might feel it (a sensation or pain which may show how God feels about a certain situation or indeed highlight a need for healing), you might know it (an overwhelming certainty about something), or you might say it (it comes out of your mouth before even thought about it).

The Holy Spirit is always encouraging and kind. And He loves it when we listen to Him. We are like His postmen, he tells or shows us things for people and then we can tell them. It might be something for now or it might be something for another time but it is our job to tell the message. We deliver the message and then it’s up to God to do the rest.

What is the Holy Spirit telling you today?

Pray for your week together!



Jesus’ sacrifice

Jesus washed the disciples’ feet

The last supper

Let’s praise Jesus!

The temptation of Jesus

Jesus is forgiveness

Jesus is love

Jesus the miracle maker

Jesus the storyteller

Jesus the friend

Jesus the healer

Jesus the child


Week 5: Simeon and Anna meet the baby Jesus

Week 4: A surprise visit

Week 3: Shepherds visit

Week 2: Baby Jesus is born

Week 1: An angel visits Mary

People from the Old Testament




King Solomon

King David

David and Saul (1 Samuel 16)

David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17)

Samuel and Jesse’s children (1 Samuel 16)

Samuel and Eli (1 Samuel 3)

Ruth and Naomi (Ruth 1-4)


Judges 16 - Samson

Judges 6-7 - Gideon


Joshua 5 - Joshua and the walls of Jericho

Joshua 3 and 4 - Joshua crosses the River Jordan

Joshua 2 - Rahab


Exodus 14-24 - Moses

Exodus 4-14 - Moses

Exodus 1-2 - Baby Moses


Genesis 37-43 - Joseph

Genesis 27-29 - Esau and Jacob

Genesis 12-17 - Abraham

Genesis 11 - Tower of Babel

Genesis 6-9 - Noah’s Ark

Genesis 2 and 3 - Adam and Eve

Genesis 1 - The Beginning


Earthquake in Prison

A Changed Man

The Lame Man

The Holy Spirit Comes


Jesus Returns

Easter Day

The True King (Palm Sunday)

The Lord’s Supper

Washing The Disciples’ Feet