Week 4, day 1: What unites us over distance?


“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…” (New International Version)

“Our Father in heaven: may your holy name be honoured…” (Good News Bible)

This week’s thoughts are from students at Severn Vineyard.

Today, Eoin Rollins writes:

When I pray the Lord’s Prayer, my mind turns to the first verse, “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Your name”.

I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of family, I miss my 3 younger brothers and have realised just how important my family is to me. Then I also remember that I am part of a much larger community or family, brought together by Our Father.

I am reminded of this whenever I pray, that no matter haw far apart we are, separated by distance or by arguments, there is something that ties us all together, the love of God. The Father is always there for us, showering us all in His love.

I feel that this prayer further elaborates on this, that while God remains in heaven, we can see and feel and worship his presence here on Earth. ‘Hallowed’ is derived from the word holy, the holiness of His name and His acts. I see the work of God everyday, in his creation, his children and this amazing world that He made.

Whenever I pray the Lord’s Prayer, I am reminded of the love God has for all of us, and the holiness of his Name and creation.