Week 2, day 5: Can't I keep myself in line?


“And lead us not into temptation” (NIV)

“Do not bring us to hard testing” (Good News)

Andrew Kerr writes:

I'm not great at resisting temptation. Mrs Doyle from Father Ted, with her encouragement to "Go on! Go on! Go on!”, would have me drinking tea and eating sandwiches until I keeled over.

What I am good at is trying to do it by myself. I’ll be alright. I’ll give it a go. What could do wrong? I can keep myself in line, surely?

But yet again all three of us were struck that Jesus' teaching on how to pray isn't a meek request. It isn't a prayer for God to strengthen us to resist temptation ourselves. It's a bold cry to the Creator of the world to lead us away from the things around us that distract us from Him.

There are so many temptations that surround us; so many things that could draw us away from God and the plans that He has for us. When life is going swimmingly perhaps it's easier to see where God wants us to go. Easier to have the headspace and time to sit and listen to His voice, hear His plan, and follow His way.

But, as Joanna noted, when things are harder and we are being pulled through the wringer of life, sometimes we reach for the easy option, the numbing balm, a quick fix, or perhaps something that others have suggested or done before us. We'll give it a go, as that seems the right way. "I got into this mess so I'll sort it myself.” I don’t have time for anything else.

Deep down though, I know that if I got into a mess, I'm rarely able to get out by myself. I need others to help me. What better person to help us back up than God who always knows what's best. It is, as Laura said, a collaborative process. The process is that we acknowledge we can’t do it and ask God to work in us!

So today I am going to take a deep breath and admit that I don't know how to sort myself out. I know that I get pulled in all sorts of directions. Sometimes I resist but perhaps sometimes I like the easy fix or the quick hit. God help me today to follow you. Help me not to be distracted. Thank you that your way is everlasting.