Week 2, day 2: Set the world right


“your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” (NIV)

“may your Kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Good News)

“Set the world right; Do what’s best - as above, so below.” (The Message)

Laura Kerr writes:

The mere mention of God’s Kingdom got us talking about the areas of injustice and brokenness that we see in the world. We were immediately reminded of the places where the Kingdom is ’not yet’ visible. But it is the ’not yet’ phrase that we felt was important.

The fact that we know that the Kingdom of God is coming is an acknowledgement that there is a better future ahead. All too often I place my hopes in things that are fleeting and that rely on my own strength. However through Jesus, we know that there is an enduring hope.

Joanna liked how The Message translation phrases this part of the Lord’s Prayer as “Set the world right.” This is a cry out to God to see the world changed and made right by Him. By Him! Andrew noted that the wording is not ‘give us the strength to bring your kingdom’ but instead we are calling God to bring it. It is a reminder that by praying this we are bringing ourselves in alignment with His will.

It was this aspect of the prayer that particularly struck me, as it reminded me of Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane: “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nethertheless, not as I will, but as you will.” Isn’t it comforting that Jesus uses prayer to align His will to the Father's? It’s so countercultural. Instead of taking what we want and doing what we want, we are declaring God’s will be done.

We can be so perpetually short sighted! Often we only comprehend our own situations and desires. But by praying this prayer daily, we are rebelling against that and instead looking at the bigger picture with the hope we have through Christ. I want that revolution to happen in my own heart. I will continue reminding myself of my hope in Him and place His will before my own. I will deliberately look for the places where I can already see God’s Kingdom at work.

week 2Severn Vineyardday 2