Mending the Divides
How can we get a better understanding of injustices which divide people in our society, and can we learn to respond in constructive, reconciling ways?
This series is inspired and based in part on the book Mending The Divides.
Where can we find peacemakers and what can we learn from them? Dan Green interviews Dan Morrice, author of "Finding the Peacemakers", a book first inspired by the stories of Chilean miners trapped underground and sustained by faith and miraculous provision which was largely unreported at the time. Dan Morrice also interviewed peacemakers in the Middle East and his home city of Bristol and shares what we can learn, practise and pass on from their experiences.
When facing disagreements, divisions and injustices, what can we do constructively? In this talk, Dan Green looks at a story Jesus told about what it means to be a good neighbour, and considers examples of what we can do today. Speaking out, respecting differences, putting others ahead of ourselves, practising hospitality and serving in the midst of conflict can all make a difference. Can God empower us to do this, not in our own strength for our own agendas, but to be part of what he wants to do to restore and reconcile “all things to himself”?
Why are Jesus' followers called towards reconciliation between people? In this talk, Dan Green looks at a range of Jesus' teaching from the "greatest commandments" of loving God and neighbours to how Jesus develops this in surprising ways. Can we really love our enemies? What if it's harder than we thought to distinguish "us" from "them" in life? Is there a power strong enough to change our minds and turn us into peacemakers?
How different can the world look from our neighbours' point of view? Dan Green asks pastors from God's House International Centre, a multicultural church in the middle of Bristol, about their recent experiences. The expectations brought by different cultures and the history of conflict between countries and races can create stresses and divides we might not have seen or imagined. But by connecting, engaging, listening, immersing ourselves and sharing life in each other's spaces, can we learn how to mend some of the divisions?
How much racial injustice do we see, and how can we respond? In this talk, Dan Green looks at racism in our past and present, the events which may have made us more aware of it recently, and some practical steps we can take to change, listen and build better relationships for the future.