1 Samuel
The book of Samuel (which modern Bibles have in two parts) describes developments in Israel from the dedication of a boy, Samuel, who would grow to be a prophet and priest, to the emergence of Israel's first kings, Saul and David.
The stories celebrate what can happen when people follow God faithfully, but also record leaders’ struggles to do this consistently. We can follow these stories, marvel at how well things can go, lament the tragic twists, and wonder how life following God’s desires for us can really be possible.
Our podcasts on this book
Our notes on this book
Written in 2020
Talks on this book
What do we want to be remembered for? Jack Saunders looks at the Old Testament character of David and the range of famous stories which come to mind, from his battles as a youth to his leadership and preparation of a temple in his old age. But his memorable passion for being after God’s heart probably came from the range and depths of his worship. To be that good at worship, David must not have just shown up to lead it in public, but privately pursued worship as a passion. What space and commitments are we making in our lives to develop who we are in ways which will memorably show up in relationships with others, and what can we do if we want more of this?
What difference can heartfelt prayer make? Rebecca Kishtainy looks at the story of Hannah to find out. Hannah suffered for years, enduring taunting from enemies and inadequate comfort from friends. People even seemed to blame God for her situation. But a powerful, life-bringing encounter with God changed Hannah and the course of history.